
ESAT is short for Environmental and Social Assessment Tool - a software for financial professionals in emerging and developing countries.

ESAT supplies information and a pragmatic tool for assessing the business risks and opportunities linked to sustainability issues. The software is tailored to business with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

ESAT consists of four elements:

  • Home: The basics of sustainable finance, information on IFC, user's guide for the ESAT software.
  • Assessment Tool: The core of the ESAT software. Guided assessment of the environmental and social risks and opportunities of an investment. Output: Assessment report.
  • Sector Information: Production processes, sector-specific environmental and social issues. For viewing on screen and printing out as fact sheets.
  • Glossary: Illustrated explanations of technical terms.

For additional information, please contact ECOFACT:

Donor Support
SFMF benefits from the support of IFC and donor country funding: